Rochester gets:
Arnold Eaton and the 13th overall pick in this season's draft
Montana gets:
Abdullah Chanda, Henry Jordan, Ron Rubinov and Rochester's Season 7 2nd round draft pick
Gabon gets:
$1.25m for seasson 6
Los Angeles gets:
Pick #24
Roswell gets:
Craig King
Washington gets:
Roswell's Season 8-1st Rounder
Midland gets:
Pick #14 and VI's season 8
Colorado gets:
Los Angeles' season 7 second and Pick #5
Los Angeles gets:
Virgin Islands gets:
Dimitry Kolosov
Nebraska gets:
Picks #37, #41 & #52
Gabon gets:
$1.25 millions for season 6.
Nebraska gets:
Pick #4
Albacete gets:
Jim Wilson & Pick #7
Maines gets:
Charlie Jones
Carolina gets:
Maine's Season 7 first round pick
New York gets:
Bucky McCarty
Virgin Islands gets:
John Steward and Geogre Holt
Cancun gets:
Parker Mason, Jalen Bell, and the 26th pick overall
Washington gets:
Jimmy Foster, Herman Burke, the 15th pick overall, Cancun's Season 6-1st Rounder, and Cancun's Season 8-1st Rounder
Roswell gets:
Anthony Cronin
Virgin Islands gets:
Jesse Bradley & 0.25 mill for Season 5
Virgin Island gets:
Tokyo's Season 7 2nd rounder, Tokyo's Season 8 2nd rounder, Tokyo's Season 9 2nd rounder, Ethan Hunt, Jesus Dienes & $0.35 mill in season 5
Tokyo gets:
EddieJacobson, Pick #46, & VI's Season 9 2nd
Midland gets:
Pick #41, Pick #52 and London's season 6 second round pick
Nebraska gets:
Pick # 24
Midland gets:
$0.20 mill in season 5
Nebraska gets:
pick 52
London gets:
Pedro Otis & Varese's second round pick season 6
Midland gets:
Chuck O'Rourke, Doyle Johnson & London's First Round pick for season 7
Cancun gets:
Picks #41& #52, 1.5 million in season 6 and london's season 6 2nd
Midland gets:
Pick #25 & 1.25 million in season 5
Montana gets:
Mike Reardon & Midlands seasson 7 first round pick
Midland gets:
Buck Jones
Virgin Islands gets:
Albacete first round pick in seasons 7 and 9, Jim Fox
Albacete gets:
VI's first round picks in seasons 7 and 9, VI's 2nd round pick in season 6,
1.5 M in season 5 and 0.5M in season 6
Montana gets:
Frank Fitzgerald
Virgin Island gets:
Chaim Sowders & Montana's Season 7 Second
New York gets:
Pick #25
Midlands gets:
Pick #56, 1 million season 6, and New York's season 9 first round pick
Virgin Islands gets :
Jalen Bell, Chip Wilkinson and 2 million in Season 5
Cancun gets:
Montana's 2nd round picks in season 8 and 9, 1 million
in season 6
Chacarita gets:
Bernie Cobb
New York gets:
Pick #53
Varese gets:
Pick #49
Cincinnati gets:
Gannon Moore and $1.5 in seasons 5 & 6
Virgin Islands gets:
Keaton A'gontsi and $0.25 mil in season 5
Adelaide get:
Pick #51
California gets
Antonio Swift, George Burke & Albacete Season 6 1st & 2nd
Albacete gets
California's Season 8 1st
Oregon gets:
Shane Dunn & Myron Baran
London gets:
VI's Season 7 2nd, VI's
Season 9 2nd & 1.15 mill in season 6
Montana gets:
Mike Clark & NY's Season 10 Second round pick
NY gets:
Henry Jordan
Budapest gets:
New York's Season 7-2nd Rounder
Washington gets:
Sean Clark and Budapest's Season 8-2nd Rounder
Montana gets:
NY first round pick season 9
Texas gets:
Doc Salomon, Rochester's second round pick season 7 and Montana first round pick season 7
Oregon gets:
JJ McCaughley, Billy Elkington, Maines 1st Rounder, Nebraskas 1st Rounder & 1.00 Million
Roswell gets:
Eddie Jacobson, Shane Dunn, Myron Baran & 0.75 Million in season 8
VI gets:
William Gregory, Nebraska's Season 6 First Round Pick, and Tokyo's Season7 Second Round Pick
Oregon gets:
Rod Lawrence and Montana's Season 9 second Round Pick
VI would gets:
Sam Plummer and Gary Agey
CapeTown gets:
Chaim Sowders, Montana'sSeason7-2nd Roundpick, and Dimitry Kolosov
Budapest gets:
New York's season 6 second rounder & Jalen Bell
Virgin Island gets:
Shawn Newman
NY Gets:
Oregons Season 7 1st Rounder
Oregon Gets:
Jason Crawford
Montana Gets:
Rafael Mahaffey, Rochester's Season 9 second, Rochester's Season 10 second
Rochester Gets:
Frank Fitzgerald, Montana's Season 9 first, Montana's Season 10 first
London gets:
Abdullah Chanda
Montana gets:
Pedro Otis, Varese's 2nd rounder of season 6 & $1.25 mill in season 5.
Carolina Gets:
Mike Sewell, Greg Mitchell & 1m$ in season 5
Texas Gets:
Paul Wright, Carolina's season 7 first round pick & Carolina's season 9 first round pick
New York gets:
Duke Robinson
Roswell gets:
New York's season 7 first
Varese gets:
Doug Beliaeff
California gets:
Larry Saunders
Roswell gets:
2 million from Utah
Utah gets:
Corey Mosely, Shane Dunn, Roswell's season 10 2nd, Bud Johnon & Carolina's season 6 2nd
SLC gets:
Jack Martin, 2 million from Roswell in season 5 and the best pick of roswell's and New York's season 7 picks
California gets:
Ernie Coustier, Washington's Season 7-1st Rounder, and Colorado's Season 6-2nd Rounder
Washington gets:
New York's Season 8-1st Rounder, and California's Season 10-1st Rounder
Brooklyn gets:
Larry Saunders, $2.0 mil in Season 5, California's 1st round pick in season 9 & Albacete's first round pick in season 6
California gets:
Brody Liang & Brooklyn's 1st round pick in season 9
California gets:
JJ Jordan
Nebraska gets:
3 mill in season 6, Colorado's Season 6 2nd & Fidel Wilson
SLC gets:
Jeff Jackson
Nebraska gets:
Sergey Ivanov
SLC gets:
Tyler Durden, Omaha's Season 8 1st, 2 mill in season 6
Omaha gets:
Frank Rose, John Felton
New York gets:
Alex Galizkikh, Nick Bavos & Cinci Season 6 1st
Cincinnati gets:
Jerry Dickenson & Tony Wills
Baltimore gets:
Ethan Hunt, Jesus Dienes and VI's Season8-2nd Round Pick
Virgin Island gets:
Stub Madison, John Simmons, Billy Owens, Rochester's Season6-1st round pick, and 1mil in season 6
New York Gets:
Gus Rizzolo, Kris Calhoun, and Royce Sabel
Varese Gets:
Bill Woo, Chuck O Rourke, and Bucky McCarty
New York Gets:
Bill Lopez and Kevin Murphy
London gets:
Rik Kist and Nick Bravos
New York gets:
Chuck O Rourke, Texas' Season 9 1st
Texas gets:
Tyron Moreno Montana's season 8 1st and NY's season 10 first
VI gets:
Keyon Brown
Albacete gets:
Sam Plummer
Omaha gets:
JJ McCauley, Jovany ONeil, Eliseo Jones, Oregon's season 6 2nd rounder & Oregon's season 8 2nd rounder
Oregon gets:
Russ Chase, Johnny Meynardie, Ossie Gordon & Omaha's season 6 1st
Oregon gets:
Art Sentipal
Brooklyn gets:
Jarrod Edwards
Budapest gets:
Rob Waite, John Riddle,
Gomer Cummings &
Oregon's first rounder in season 6
Salt Lake gets:
Jose Hayes, 1 mill in season 6 from Budapest
& Budapest's season 8 first rounder
Oregon gets:
Henry Jordan & Kevin Murphy
New York gets:
Rod Lawrence, Bill Carney & Budapest 1st Rndr (S6)
London gets:
Pedro Otis, Rafael Mahaffey, NY's season 9 1st & $0.5 million in season 6 from Montana
NY gets:
Eugene LaMaitre, Ron Rubinov & Steve Foreman
Montana gets:
John Davis, Royce Sabel, Brad Anderson, London's season 9 1st, $1.38 mill in season 5 from London & $0.37 mill in season 5 from NY
Varese gets:
Dave Brennan
London gets:
Doug Belieaff & $0.25 mill in season 6
NY gets:
Abbie Dahl and Paul Wright
Texas gets:
Rod lawrence, Magic Toby & Budapest Season 6 first
Texas gets:
Kevin Ray
Washington gets:
Tyron Moreno
London gets:
1st rounder in season 7 of London
Texas gets:
Rik Kist
Oregon gets:
Gommer Cummings
Budapest gets:
Ossie Gordon
Texas gets:
Nick Bartons & Xavier Schneider
Miami gets:
Rey Benedetto, Rod Lawrence, Montana's season 8 first & Texas' season 7 second.
Carolina Gets:
Gus Rizzolo, Bill Lopez, Abu Zimmerman, Steve Foreman, Cincinatti's 1st rounder in season 6 & .25 mil in season 6
NY gets:
Charlie Griffin, Lew Carney, Gus Forlan & Raymond Carroll
Oregon Gets:
William Gregory & Varese's Season 8 2nd rounder
VI Gets:
Jason Crawford
Virgin Island gets:
Mike Sewell
Carolina gets:
Shawn Newman and Nebraska's Season 6-1st Round Pick
Baltimore gets:
Sage Walker
Gabon gets:
Burt Rodriquez
Carolina gets:
1st rounder of California season 6
London gets:
1st rounder of Nebraska season 6, 2nd rounder of Carolina season 8 & 2nd rounder of London season 8
Omaha gets:
Roy Robinson, Nick Mann, Bob Carter, Travis Young, Chacarita 1st in 6th & 8th
Chacarita gets:
Eliseo Jones, Everett Kubey, Carl Mercer, Bill Daskalothanas, Budapest 2nd in 6th, Omaha 1st in 7th, & Omaha 1st in 9th
Texas gets:
Woody Reynolds, Paul Wright, Oregon season 7 & $3 million for season 5 (this season)
New York gets:
Magic Toby, Nick Barton, Budapest season 6 first, Montana season 7 first, Rochester season 7 second + 1m$ for season 6
Texas gets:
Mike Reardon, George Foster, $0.75m in season 5 & Joe Egan
Montana gets:
Buck Jones, Woody Reynolds & Neon Crossing
NY gets:
Boston's season 6 first, Roswell's season 8 2nd, Joe Devlin & Bobby Shields
SLC gets:
Charlie Griffin & Raymond Carroll
NY Gets:
Gomer Cummings, Johnny Merayldine, Tommy Hodge, Vareses season 6 2nd
Oregon gets:
lew Carney, Damon Trout, Gus Forlan and Ros's season 8 2nd
VI Gets:
Kegan Salazar, Garth Donohue, ROC Season 8 2nd, $1.0 in season 5
NEB Gets:
Jim Fox, Paul O'Dell, ORE Season 7 2nd, ALB Season 9 2nd
London gets:
Ron Marlow & Randy Hayes
Oregon gets:
Doug Belieaff, Byron Francis & second rounder of London in season 9
NEB gets:
Bill Carney, Alex Galizkikh, BOS S6 1st, BUD S6 1st, VAR S6 2nd, ROC S7 2nd
NY gets:
Emillio Browne, Glen McMahon, COL S6 1st
Nebraska Gets:
Bill Blackstone, Jim Peyton & 1.5 mill from ALB
Chacarita Gets:
Jim Fox, Sergey Ivanov, Tony Alfonso, Nash Badger
NEB S10 1st, ALB S8 1st, NEB S9 2nd & MON S6 2nd
ALB Gets:
Jim Donnelly & Donavan Jones
Baltimore gets:
Mercer, Alfonso, E. Jones Montana season 6 2nd, & London season 7 2nd
Chacarita gets:
Delaney & Baltimore Season 10 2nd